A Few Small Changes To Make a Big Difference In Your Business 

When it comes to making ethical choices, it’s not always an easy task, we get it! So we’ve done some research and put together some suggestions to get you on your way to a more sustainable business (and life!). Every dollar that you spend can make a difference, so put your money where your mouth is! 

Given that 100 companies are responsible for over 70% of carbon emissions, looking at where you spend and bank your money gives you more control on your impact. You might not be able to avoid some of these companies until we’re all driving electric cars, but choosing to shop locally and support small or ethical businesses takes the money out of the hands of multinational corporations, and that’s a damn good place to start. 

Choose an Ethical Bank 
One of the most impactful things you can do is make sure your money in the bank is invested in areas that align with your values, and not in fossil fuels, weapons or logging (to name but a few!). Now we're not financial advisors, so we won't tell you who to bank with, but Market Forces can give you an in-depth understanding of why this matters, who to ditch, and where to switch.  

Power Your Business With Renewables
Take coal out of the equation and switch to a renewable energy provider. This is one of the easiest and biggest things you can do to move your business toward net-zero. The more we support the transition to a renewable future, the quicker we can cut down the carbon in the atmosphere! We have a few faves and we'd love to help you make the transition. In the meantime, check out the Green Electricity Guide, and then book in for a free 15 minute consultation with us at The Goodways to talk next steps. Please note that Powershop has been acquired by Shell and we encourage you to look at other options instead.

Search The Internet With Ecosia
This one seems almost too good to be true. Simply by changing your default search engine to Ecosia, every internet search you do puts money toward planting trees. While it looks just like Google to use, Ecosia is powered by renewable energy and uses the profits of your internet browsing for reforestation projects around the world. Roughly 45 internet searches plants 1 tree, so get planting! This is a zero cost switch that is quick and easy to do now.  

Contact us today to get started with tailored solutions for you and your business.



Things We Want For Christmas, And You Might Too.